It’s all about love
Julio Iglesias continues to captivate his fans with his romantic ballads 40 years on
by S. Indra Sathiabalan
I am very grateful to all the people around the world who havecome to see me perform and bought my albums. Without them,these 42 years would have not been possible." – Julio IglesiasWHEN he sings, Julio Iglesias gives it his all – closing his eyes and crooning as though the words are coming from his very soul.
Iglesias, 66, is one of the world’s most popular recording artistes, having sold more than 300 million albums in 14 languages. For over four decades, he has captivated audiences with his beautiful love songs whether sung in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
The veteran singer will be making a stop in Kuala Lumpur on his 2010 world tour. In an email interview, Iglesias seems just as happy to come perform here as we are to have him.
Asked what is his secret for enduring as an artiste for so long, he replies: "Being in love with music, hard work, discipline and a good communication with the audience."
He is also humbled by the fact that he is one of the top 10 best-selling artistes of all time. "It’s an honour and a big responsibility at the same time. I am very grateful to all the people around the world who have come to see me perform and bought my albums. Without them, these 42 years would have not been possible."
Even his many Spanish songs have managed to captivate millions who don’t understand the language. "I have the chance to perform many of my songs in Spanish, a language spoken by more than 400 million people in the world, and I also sing in many other languages, including Asian ones.
"I think it is important to reach the audience by means of their mother tongue, but understanding the lyrics of a song is not compulsory to reach people’s hearts. Music is a universal language itself."
How different would this coming concert be from his previous performances here?
"Yes, I’ve performed in Malaysia several times. The last time was in 2003. I have beautiful memories related to your country and am looking forward to coming back.
"The show in Kuala Lumpur on April 1 will be focused on the most important songs of my career – those which gave me the joy to see three generations together. There is no greater recompense for an artiste."
Many of those hit songs such as To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before, My Love, El Amor, Manuela and Soy are still enjoyed today.
"Because they talk about those little details which make the difference in life and about the engine of the universe, love, in a simple and direct way," Iglesias explains about the songs’ popularity.
When asked if he is as romantic as his music, he says: "Well, I would tend to say yes, but you should better ask my wife, Miranda."
Iglesias declares he doesn’t do anything special to keep his voice in good shape. "Just lots of rehearsals and many hours of recording, in the studio. That is the best recipe."
Asked who he listens to and admires the most, he says: "I enjoy very much listening to great voices who are part of the history of music, like [Frank] Sinatra and Elvis [Presley], but also to the young generation, like my son, Enrique. It is great to see new talents rising because it means evolution and diversity."
His older sons, Julio Jr and Enrique (with former wife Isabel Preysler), have followed in his footsteps as singers. He also have four young children (two sons and twin girls) with current wife and former Dutch model Miranda Rijnsburger and an older daughter with Preysler.
"My kids love music. Michael and Rodrigo even set up a band, with their cousins on Christmas and invited me to perform for them. I don’t know if they will follow in my footsteps; it will be their decision, when the moment comes."
Iglesias had once said that he enjoys doing the tango and even came out with an album of sensual love songs called Tango (1996).
"The tango is a constant feature in my life. I adore it and it is always a part of my shows. Tango is synonym to love and passion, so it represents a universal language.
"I am sure the Malaysian audience will enjoy the tangos we’ll perform and which will be illustrated by a pair of Argentinean dancers."
To his fans in Malaysia, he says: "I send them a huge hug and I can’t wait to see them again in Kuala Lumpur on April 1. I am sure we’ll have a great evening together. A big, big kiss, Malaysia! See you soon."
Julio Iglesias’ concert will start at the Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, at 7.30pm. For ticket prices, log on to
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