Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Julio "Agua Dulce, Agua Sala" Live In Russia 2008

Julio ends his St. Petersburg Russia Concert in 2008 with "Agua Dulce, Agua Sala"

(Source: YouTube)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"La Carreterra" LIVE in Argentina 2008 (YouTube)

Julio sings "La Carreterra" live in Luna Park, Argentina on October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Julio & Ray Conniff "Hey" (YouTube)

(Source: YouTube)

Rare Spanish / Chinese Duet of "La Paloma" from 1993 (YouTube)

A rare video of Julio singing "La Paloma" as a Duet with a Chinese Artist

Source: YouTube

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Interview with Julio Iglesias

Exclusive interview
Julio Iglesias: Eurovision helped me grow as an artist!

Every thirty seconds a song of his is played on a radio somewhere in the world, he has sold more the 250 million records, can boast over 2.500 platinum and gold records and he has performed in more than 5.000 concerts in his career. Julio Iglesias, the universal mega star from Spain, spoke to esctoday.com's Hakan Yalcinkaya about his memories from the time when, as a young artist, he represented Spain in the 1970 Eurovision Song Contest and his views on the contest now and then.

Can you tell us what you have been doing lately in your musical life?

Julio Iglesias: This year I am deeply involved in my world tour, a tour I started in January, in South Africa, and which has included shows on three continents. I have had the opportunity to come back to countries where I haven´t performed for years and where I felt wonderful on stage.

Now, I would like you to go back to year 1970, and tell us how you decided you participate in this competition? How did Gwendolyne come about?

Julio Iglesias: Gwendolyne is a song I composed for a beautiful French girl, who was my first girlfriend, after the car accident I had, when I was 20.

Do you have a special moment from Eurovision Song Contest 1970 which you would like to share with us?

Julio Iglesias: Eurovision was a special moment in my career, for the importance of this song contest and because it was the first time I went abroad to represent my country at such a high level. I did not win, but Gwendolyne was the No. 1 song in Spain.

Did you keep following the Eurovision Song Contest after you participation? What does Eurovision Song Contest mean to Julio Iglesias? You think it contributed to your career in those days?

Julio Iglesias: Yes, I do follow Eurovision, but not on a regular base, as many times I am on tour. I think it´s a contest which gives young people the opportunity to go on stage and prove what they are capable of within a competition where many other countries send what they consider to be their best representatives. Of course, taking part in Eurovision, in 1970, helped me grow as an artist and was a first step to learning what an international competition means.

After a 11 year televoting period, the EBU decided to change the system to a mix of jury voting and televoting. How do you find this decision?

Julio Iglesias: In my opinion, it´s good to have a final decision based on the audience's preferences and on the experts' opinion. An opinion which must be impartial, of course. In this way, the evaluation process is complete.

Do you have any suggestions for artists hoping to become worldwide stars through the Eurovision Song Contest?

Julio Iglesias: Eurovision may be a springboard to fame for the participants, but it only depends on them and on the way they focus on their career thereafter. It´s not enough to win a song contest, to become famous worldwide. You need to keep working hard, improve permanently, learn from the mistakes and maintain a strong connection to the people.

How would you rate the Eurovision Song Contest in terms of musical quality?

Julio Iglesias: I should have watched it constantly, in the last years, to rate it fairly and, as I mentioned, many times I am on tour and I cannot do this. Anyhow, I would like to stress that, even if the music has changed a lot in the last decades and new styles appeared, it´s very important to maintain high standards of quality.

What are your favourite songs in Eurovision Song Contest history?

Julio Iglesias: I think the best Eurovision winner songs ever are Waterloo, of the immortal ABBA and La, la, la, composed by El Duo Dinámico.

What may be the cause of Spain's bad placing in the past few years?

Julio Iglesias: Spain usually had a good level in Eurovision and you may never know when we surprise everybody and win the contest again. Spain has been a wonderful surprise at the European Championships this year and I am sure it can also be at the European Song Contest.

Would you like to represent Spain in Eurovision again?

Julio Iglesias: I have accomplished my mission at Eurovision in 1970. Now it's time for other artists to participate and take the opportunity to conquer Europe with their music.

(Source: http://www.esctoday.com/news/read/12365)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Clearwater, FL Tickets ON SALE NOW!

Tickets for the February 11, 2009 Clearwater, FL (Tampa) concert are ON SALE NOW!

Please visit....




For More Details!

(p.s. Ruth Eckerd Hall's Web Site had better seats available than Ticketmaster as of 7pm on 10/10/08.)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Wed, 02/11/0908:00 PM
Ruth Eckerd Hall
Clearwater, FL
More Info » on sale: Fri,10/10/08 12:00 PM
Melbourne, FL
More Info » presale begins: Fri,10/17/08 10:00 AM
Tickets available through ticketmaster.com